Chris Walker

About Me.

After working many years for a startup and helping build something that gave me a since of accomplishment, my wallet was really thin and starving after the owners sold. I learned that the hard way. I missed an opportunity and learned my lesson. But, I did walk away with experience of watching business owners operate and make tough decisions. I don't envy what they endured during some hard times. Everything they made in the payout was all earned.

Now I am working toward building my own business and looking to share my experiences with others to help them build something to gain assets and the ultimate goal of freedom and living on your own terms.

Chris Walker

After working many years for a startup and helping build something that gave me a since of accomplishment, my wallet was really thin and starving after the owners sold. I learned that the hard way. I missed an opportunity and learned my lesson. But, I did walk away with experience of watching business owners operate and make tough decisions. I don't envy what they endured during some hard times. Everything they made in the payout was all earned.

Now I am working toward building my own business and looking to share my experiences with others to help them build something to gain assets and the ultimate goal of freedom and living on your own terms.

To Get in Touch

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